Philippines Update
Hi Friends God is so Good!!!! He is so Awesome! Despite the restlessness around the world , Despite the problems arising in many people’s...

The Lord is your Refuge and Strength
Friends, I want to encourage you during this season of unease, uncertainty, and anxiety, that the Lord is your refuge and strength. In...

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble" Psalm 9:9
Friends, I want to encourage you on what the Lord is doing right around the world at this very moment, with many encountering much needed...

COVID 19 and Updates on Echo
Before I share with you the update of our Echo locations around the world, I want to glorify God for His goodness, love & just how...

Update 50 - Understanding God's Missions 2019: 3.1
It has been over four months since I have posted an update. Every time I have considered updating, I feel like I have been facing a major...

Echo Philippines has Commenced!
Dear Friends, Please find a short update: God Has been so Awesome to us in the projects we have around the world, and we are Joyful to...

Expansion to Philippines & Myanmar
Hello Friends. This is an update of the recent trip to the Philippines & Myanmar. God was so good to us whilst on this trip, I went with...

Update 49 - Understanding God's Missions 2019: 3.1
Many things have happened since the last report. I have been struggling with how much to share and how much longer should I be blogging....

Echo Beyond the 3rd World
Hello Family, I wanted to share with you something the Lord has brought to my attention in the last few months. Proverbs 11:30 “The fruit...

Report 48 - Understanding God's Missions 2019: 3.1
We have been in the rehabilitation process of the new facility for a few months now. Things are shaping up nicely and the pastor training...