Greetings in the Lord, This is the first full day with the second team of pastors. Our day started with asking pastors how the teachings they learned on their first visit has helped them and their churches. Pastors have shared incredible testimonies about what God has done with them and their churches. Everyone of these pastors explained that they took time to teach their churches what they learned from the Mentorship Program. They tell us that they have witnessed a transformed life of prayer and a transformed life of studying the word of God.

Some of the topics which have brought a greater impact to their churches are: Integrity, The danger of Demonic Objects, Pneumatology Deficiency and training the human spirit. The Danger of Demonic Objects has challenged their churches so mightily that after they taught this they saw people openly confess some hidden charms and small pillows. One pastor testified that when he went back he was faced with a situation where the local chief came to him asking for prayer support. The Chief had visited an herbalist to bath him in the charms for protection and empowerment. She was given small pillows. To her amazement one night witches came to her and labeled her with paint on her breasts on both sides. The drops of paint showed that the witches had used one corner to enter and leave the house. In short the Pastor prayed for the Chief and demons left her. God touched her and today she is born again. He gave her a bible and all is well. One pastor testified of a revival that has just started with him. In one of the meetings, God had given me a word of knowledge that the Pastor be prayed for as God was opening a new door for his ministry. Oh yes! Something amazing began to happen when he got home. His preaching was different. Jesus began to touch his Church. Revival broke out!! Deliverance is happening, prayer life transforming, and so many miracles happening. There is a touch of God in the Village! After this, we presented the teachings. I started with talking about Developing an Effective Devotional Life. God moved. Pastor Jeff came in with another subject about Soul Winning. Yes, Gods power flowed. It looks like God has not started with these pastors but is continuing from where he left last week. The way God is moving, it looks like this second team has just joined the atmosphere of the presence of Jesus Christ which started last week and the glory is just increasing. Hallelujah!! [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]