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Update 15 - Understanding God's Missions 2018: 3.0

I am 40,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, at the halfway point between Amsterdam and Detroit. My mind is having a hard time comprehending everything that happened. Many times, I felt as a observer in some sort of experiment, or as a test subject myself, not as a mouse in a maze, but something far more complex. Sometimes, my time was even as a soldier on a covert mission. Words are not sufficient to readily explain what happened. I was able to be a first-person observer on many supernatural events. One of the most profound was Kelvin’s experience with the old van. I completely and fully understand the steering mechanism and the effects it has on the vehicle. Simply put, it is impossible to drive a vehicle in this condition, and how the roads are- numerous curves, turns pulling away from stop signs, and avoiding several potholes that are even larger than ones in Michigan.

I was the first mechanically-minded person to climb under the vehicle. There was not anyone at the house that had tools whatsoever, so any explanation that involves anyone tampering with the vehicle is impossible. There are so many examples of the hand of God being with these people, it is hard to list them all. God has even granted them many desires of their hearts. This was probably just coincidence, but even the little female dog Joey gave birth to puppies. They had taken the dog to the vet, and had received no indication of pregnancy. Tony however was interested in finding a male dog so they could have puppies. One day to everyone’s surprise, she gave birth. We noticed she was quite plump and attributed it to the four fish she was fed every day. In fact, Heidi and I encouraged them not to feed her so much because it was unhealthy. Just another gift from God to have puppies!

Story after story was shared almost on a daily basis. We had encounters that took place out in public with various people. God granted insights for several individual lives that left them in wonder how that event could happen. Everyone was always pointing to Jesus as the one that revealed things to us and He received all the glory. Sometimes people look at us as though we are gifted or something special, and I am here to tell you we are not. Only when the Master decides to use us in that capacity does it happen. Most all the time, I am an observer watching it happen in others. The impressions from the Holy Spirit that I receive are more of a facilitator position. Certain people are being identified to me for certain responsibilities . When this occurs, it is as if General Jesus has instructed me to set up a meeting between individuals. That is where my involvement ends. I do not give instruction or advice concerning the situation. This is done by the Holy Spirit directly by those engaging with one another. I do not even ask questions after the encounter, because if God wants me to know something, it will be revealed.

I have been very reluctant to take on any title besides the role God has me in. Only by His choice will I be continuing in this position, or be directed differently. I have been placed in the chain of command somewhere, and God is assembling a team of dedicated warriors to operate as special forces wherever we are called to go. I believe that is why Martin was added to our team, as well as Jared from Kenya, and Thomas from India. God has mighty plans for Africa. He has granted us great favor with the people there. There are so many things that God is unfolding that I cannot even begin to fathom where they will all lead. The last five days that we were there, God seemed to pack in as many things as possible. There are a couple of situations that I want to share with you...

Heidi has been used by God in ways I really cannot explain or understand. I can however validate the authenticity of such events. There was a situation with one of the pastors, and I was impressed upon by the Holy Spirit to ask one question. Depending on the outcome of His answer would determine further actions that Echo would take. When Tony, Heidi, and I were having a conversation concerning this, an order came from the superiors in my chain of command. I was to facilitate a one-on-one meeting between Heidi and a certain pastor. This took Heidi by surprise, and she seemed a bit reluctant. I told her to please trust me, this was supposed to happen. We were only a few minutes away from the house, and the pastor was there waiting for us to talk with him. After I asked the one question that I was instructed to ask, I then turned the matter over to Heidi.

As it turns out, this was ordained by the Almighty. Heidi was given words of knowledge and discernment that was able to uncover something hidden. She did not tell me what it was, and I did not ask. The result of this encounter is helping us understand our roles more clearly. I spent a great deal of time with Tony. He has taught me much about dealing with situations in wisdom, and not in sheer force. I have learned being around him just to keep my mouth shut, and let God teach me by listening to Him. This also happens as we are sitting around our fellowship table each morning. Kelvin is astounding with his Biblical knowledge and wisdom that far outranks his age. Tony is always in contemplation and when he speaks, it is best to listen. Jeffrey and Joe are outstanding as well. Really everyone in the group, even the new Christians, were used by the Holy Spirit for a particular purpose.

What I intended as an 8:00 AM start time to hold people more accountable, God turned into something much more magnificent. Getting everyone to buy into the fact that we were all working for God and that we should give a more sincere effort was easy. The wonderful thing about it is God rewarded our sincerity immediately. We were able to identify an orphanage that needed much love and care. We were able to identify an old man that needed much love and care. Most importantly, God showed us all far greater ways to love and care. I believe because of how we responded to those situations so immediately, God gave us something else. Wisdom from on high propagated through a dozen individuals, so that we could reach new understandings in the power and might that God has instilled in us.

These blog reports do not even include 5% of everything that happened. There is one more event I must mention. In error, I had mistaken our departure date 1 day sooner than it was. I was quite relieved to find out we had an additional 24 hours. There were several items left undone in the little kitchen we were installing. I thought now I would have time to do them, but God had different plans. As I think about this, I realize how supernatural it was. Tony and everyone else was under the impression we would be departing on Thursday. So when Tony informed me on Thursday that he felt that I was supposed to meet with his father to commit his life to Jesus, I was a bit surprised.

Of course, in my mind, I was thinking about the little details of the kitchen I needed to finish. God quickly called me “Martha” a couple of times and reminded me to be concerned with the things of the Kingdom first. Tony would end up driving nearly all night to get his father back in time so that I could speak with him.

Thank the Lord that He is changing my heart enough to put the love of others ahead of all things. I had a wonderful time and felt very honored to be allowed to be involved in such a thing, especially as a request of my beloved brother Tony. As I prayed with Willie, Tony’s dad, the power of the Holy Spirit was mighty. His presence filled our bodies and the space around us. Tony’s father began to shake as Jesus joined us in a circle of love. Willie now has joined the ranks and will walk beside his son in battle. We are probably close to the same age, so I reminded him that Moses was 80 years old, and look at how God used him! Praise Jesus for this!

There were several people that wanted to talk with us before we left and wanted us to pray with them. We were running short on time, and I knew that I was not going to get things done that I needed. That was because I was thinking of things in the physical realm. I do not know how it happened, but a whole day’s worth of work was done in about 2 ½ hours. On top of that, our flight was delayed an hour, just in case I needed some extra time. I even got to paint the external electrical channels that I thought in no way would I have time for. We were blessed with a great send-off at the airport from our African family. Martin and two of his sons were there also, and even though we have only known them for a few days, it seems like they have been with us from the beginning. Heidi and I have never felt so alive and used by God in our lives. When we live purposefully for God and are willing to make leaps of faith, He will reveal His purpose for us. Remember without faith, it is impossible to please God.

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