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Update 32 - Understanding God's Missions 2018: 3.1

I have been back to the US for a few weeks now. Many things continue to happen and I praise God for the learning opportunities He has put before me. I would have thought this impossible to say in such a short period of time, however Yahweh has systematically put us through many lessons in the last month. Romans 8:19 NKJV, For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly awaits for the revealing of the sons of God. This has been opened up in much greater clarity then I ever imagined. Now the full understanding of being children of God and joint heirs to the throne is sinking deeper and deeper into my awareness. My responsibility to be totally transformed through the guidance of the Holy Spirit is all-encompassing.

What I thought to be true and what I am now realizing is of another magnitude. Paul praye, in Ephesians 1;17-22, that God would give the saints the spirit of wisdom and revelation of Jesus in them. God is faithful to grant this to us if we have a sincere and obedient heart. I have yet to understand the depths of where this may lead, however the journey is taking on new dimensions. The standard in which I had been operating is considered childish compared to God’s Word accepted in the full context.1 Corinthians 13;11 NKJV, when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Anything short of immediate repentance and accepting God’s Word 100% as it is written is childish.

Sons and daughters of God do not make excuses for their actions. We should not proclaim we are part of the royal court, or joint heirs, yet bring dishonor to the royal priesthood. We should not interfere with the kingdom precepts and guiding principles in favor of our flesh. The crushed one, the devil, has given us a million reasons why it is okay to fall short. We discount the power of the Holy Spirit every time we are gullible enough to use one of the enemy’s excuses. I have been guilty of all these things and God has made it clear to me. Stop being childish and take responsibility as a son of God as The Bible directs us.

Any actions that we take that would inhibit God’s mercy and grace to work in an individual’s life is wrong. Any words that we speak about anyone that does not draw them closer to Christ is wrong. Any comments we make to one another regarding a brother or sister in the Lord that is not edifying is wrong. In fact, we are cursing the individual. We are mistakenly under the assumption that just because we know the truth about a situation we are obliged to speak it. Discernment by the Holy Spirit is always a prudent move. Many times we speak things from a fleshly standpoint. Releasing information about a situation outside of God’s timing can cause disastrous effects. As God anoints us, our words carry greater power, even to the point of life and death, as shown in Proverbs 18;11.

Everything that I said is leading up to something. I have written all of these blogs as truthfully as I could, but I have not been seeking the Holy Spirit every time as if I should reveal certain things. This is the simplest and most profound guiding principle I have violated. Was the love of Christ demonstrated and the reconciliation process to Him enhanced by my actions? I have been directed by the Holy Spirit to ask forgiveness from certain individuals. God’s plan for reconciliation has been interrupted by my comments that are sometimes flesh-driven. My attention to these details has been greatly heightened and will be acknowledged moving forward. Romans 14; 19 NKJV, therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace in the things by which one may edify another. The continued guidance that the Holy Spirit has for me is unbelievable. I am so thankful that He is faithful in converting my childish ways into ones of maturity. Thank you Jesus, all glory honor and praise unto You my King !

I am stepping back from certain situations as God has made it quite clear He is far more capable of dealing with it then I am. My prayer is for all of us to have a closer walk with the Lord and a complete and full separation from things of this world. Through God’s sovereign will and provision, Echo has been able to assist in rehabilitating an orphanage in Kenya. This is the orphanage where I stayed for eight days. There has been opposition from men, however God’s will can never be stopped. We have learned beneficial lessons which will improve our steps moving forward. Our eyes are set on the goal of fulfilling our responsibility with God’s Echo. Thank you Jesus for the opportunity to move closer to You.

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