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Update 35 - Understanding God's Missions 2019: 3.1

The Almighty Father laid it on my heart to go to Lancaster California. At the time we didn’t have a clue what was in store for us. This particular chain of events set off a cascade effect to a major paradigm shift in what it means to be a servant to Jesus. I now have a better understanding of what was given to Adam as far as dominion of the earth and the sea and sky. The second Adam, Jesus, restored rightful dominion back to his children when we become born again in Christ. With that comes a great responsibility for our will to align with the Father to have His will done on earth as it is in heaven. These are the exact words Jesus told us in the Lord’s prayer. God will do absolutely nothing to violate our free will. If He did He would be violating his own design and word. Most Christians cannot begin to grasp this concept to the fullest. I know I didn’t for the majority of my life. Only now after some significant revelations has my understanding begun to unfold through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We play a vastly more important role then almost every church has ever taught.

There are many instructions in the Bible telling us how to prepare and do battle against principalities, powers, dominion and might. During our 21 day fast God instructed us daily on things He wanted us to learn. We couldn’t believe how our eyes were being opened up to the spiritual realm. The ability for the demonic realm to influence the lives of Christians is greatly underestimated. Even to the point of them being within us if we are in willful sin or have opened up doorways for their entrance. As our understanding began to increase God introduced three books into our awareness. I was quite shocked and troubled by the content of the first book in particular. After reading the first 70 pages or so I didn’t want to read anymore. The Holy Spirit reminded me that if I’m not willing to be involved in training in difficult situations then I am not willing to take up my cross as a follower of Jesus. Any unwillingness not to learn about the true nature of our enemy is short sighted and will leave us unprepared.

I just talked with a couple individuals the day before and told them if we’re not willing to be uncomfortable for the Lord that we’re really not willing to serve him. How ironic within less than 24 hours I was considering the same. I continued reading the first book then the second and third within about a four day span. I prayed that God would reveal the truth to me and whether or not what I was reading was relevant and true. As shocking as these books are my belief is that they are recorded by someone with a truthful heart and a desire to bring honor and glory to the Almighty. The author is Rebecca Brown MD, the books are He came to set the captives free, Prepare for war and Become a vessel of honor. This is the order in which she wrote the books. I did not have my wife read the first book because I knew it would be difficult for her. However I did have my 17-year-old daughter read it and she experienced the same intense anger towards the demonic forces that I did. In fact she stayed up most of the night to finish it the first day that she started reading it. She has a warrior spirit.

Within 24 hours of my daughter finishing the book she had an experience with a young man that mirrored the book exactly. Certain doorways and lifestyle choices had opened up entrance points in his life. After asking just a few questions his responses were exactly as predicted in one of these books. At this point I had to consider, was this just chance or was God confirming in a very quick manner the truth in which we had just read. The young man called my daughter and said that his father would not allow him to have any more contact with us because we were teaching un-scriptural things. I’m not sure what sensible father would believe a 16-year-old that has been in a lot of trouble without actually having a conversation with myself to find out what was really said. Another point about these books that was very encouraging is the author used countless scriptural references. I decided to take 10 copies of each book to Africa. As part of the leadership team increasing our awareness about demonic warfare is very important. I must say I was quite surprised by the outcome of this.

After spending a few days in Kenya we arrived in Malawi and distributed the books right away. When I started to describe the books everyone seemed quite calm and matter-of-fact about it. A few days later in a more in-depth conversation I discovered that most of them had already experienced many of the things talked about in these books. They pretty much validated many of the points that she made. Then they went on to testify personally of the tremendous similarities that existed.

About a week later one of the teachers/pastors was involved in a deliverance where many demons were present. Certain charms and demonic markers were used on this person to infest them. The testimony and experience would have fit perfectly in one of these books. God continues to give us information and insight and then very quickly test us and what we have learned. The last few months prior to coming back to Africa again have been very strategic in nature. The constant messages of unity and a functioning body of Christ has been resounding in me daily. The only way that love won’t prevail is by us allowing ourselves to fail to love. Most of my life I have failed at doing this the way Christ demonstrated it. He has now given me continual examples to follow. I no longer can make excuses and time is too short for that anyway.

Anyone that is serious about Christianity and how to stand against the demonic realm should read these books. I typically don’t read books besides the Bible. If you read these books ask God to confirm in your spirit if they are true. The way these books came into our awareness was supernatural. Then the incident with the young man began to solidify the reason. Upon arrival in Africa and further investigation it became quite clear this was ordained by the Almighty. The day and the hour is approaching quickly when we must be prepared. The 10 virgins in Matthew 25 had the opportunity to be wise or foolish, what choice will you make.

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