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Update 36 - Understanding God's Missions 2019: 3.1

I know the last several reports are somewhat jumbled in sequence. That is because God revealed much to us, which unfolded at a later point. What I mean is that God prepared us for the things that we have been experiencing with a prerequisite of teaching that was very methodical. I have never experienced such systematic learning that seems to be specifically targeted for the experiences that lie in the very near future. I have learned that several of the young men that are here at Echo are far, far more advanced in several areas spiritually then I am. I am pretty sure that I do not know anyone in the US that has a spiritual walk and spiritual understanding as deep as Kelvin,Tony, Joe and Jeffrey. In their teenage years, they were experiencing things that I have yet to experience. Humility seems to be a natural characteristic for them as well as generosity with anything beyond their basic needs, with those that are in need.

Whether or not I will ever be able to experience the personal encounters of a supernatural nature like they have is yet to be seen. Fortunately I have these young teachers around me that can help shepherd me. I have sent them many YouTube videos and advise them in different areas. Had I gone into more in-depth conversations with them, I would have realized how vastly superior their understanding was from mine. They have all experienced dreams, visions, personal encounters, and prophetic insight, plus many other gifts. YAHWEH has very much fulfilled His declaration of providing many spiritually gifted people to help HIS Echo.

Martin has played a key role in identifying areas that need to be improved in God’s Echo organization. Implementing very systematic procedures that can be duplicated around the world is paramount to success. This is one of Martin’s strong suits, and it will be very useful as we grow. He has identified Kelvin as the most suitable person for leadership training at God’s Echo. This young man has extreme wisdom for being 24 years old. His biblical understanding and special gifts have been clearly ordained by God for such a time as this. This morning, my wife and I sat for four hours listening to spiritual insight that Kelvin has been blessed to have. There is a remarkable parallel with many of the experiences that he has had in his life, and what we have been taught or read about just a few weeks prior. You may rarely hear about this depth through spiritual insights.

God has brought these things into our awareness, and then delivered a second and sometimes a third witness to validate authenticity. What should have taken years for us to learn for some reason, is what God is doing in weeks and months. Once we started having in-depth conversations with the guys here, it was almost as if they were waiting for us so they could start explaining the deeper things of God to us. They were already aware of many of the things that I felt God was prompting me to do or say. I could literally go on and on about what I have learned, however the Almighty just wants me to live it and then write about it.

I have no doubt that many of you will be very skeptical and find some of these things hard to believe. In the last few months, my wife and I have commented to one another several times, if we were not living out these experiences first-hand, we would not believe it ourselves. Only by praying and asking the Holy Spirit if I am speaking the truth will you have proper discernment. Kelvin made an observation today that he was very surprised by how fast God was pushing our understanding. My wife and I have been blessed with our daughter Maria being able to be part of the first couple weeks here in Africa. She is now in the US to return to college, but she now knows why this move of God holds such a special place in our hearts. The most spectacular part of her journey was spending time with the people here. Since we were not going to be in the states to celebrate her 18th birthday, we did it here before she left.

Echo partnered with Elim Christian Centre through Martin’s efforts. I attached some very cute pictures of his children playing and trying to blow up balloons. We were able to attend the grand opening and are very encouraged by the potential. There will be a significant effort to train villagers on sewing skills, computer skills, hair cutting, and other capacities a bit later. Of course, in addition to this, we will have many levels of spiritual training for all age groups. We were able to enjoy some traditional African dance and the company of many children during the grand opening. Words cannot explain how excited we are to see God’s Echo expand so quickly. Clearly it is a demonstration of His power, His might, and His will.

I must not forget my friend Harrison. He put in stellar effort to get things ready for the grand opening. This man seems to have many skills and a very gentle heart. When I hug him, it is hard to explain the peace that I sense. He is such a humble yet talented person, and it was a real blessing to meet him. I believe that someday he will be working with us full-time. The rapid rate of expansion that we are experiencing fits perfectly with the many skills that he has. Heidi and I are heading to South Africa tomorrow, and it will be our first time there. Jonathan is already running an Echo location and we will be meeting with him to help him find a vehicle. Also we will be sharing many things with him that God has been revealing to us. Understanding what the Almighty is doing in these last days concerning the remnant and functioning bodies of believers, is very important. We just pray that we are learning these things quickly enough and can communicate God’s will for Echo clearly and concisely.

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