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Malawi Expands

We serve a Incredibly LOVING God who is Gracious and wants to see more of His creation, coming to a deep relationship with Him.

Many months ago I felt the Lord tell me to expand the ministry in Malawi by having two Locations. This would mean dividing the Blantyre staff into two teams, relocating one team In Salima Under the guidance of Geofferey our pastor trainer and keeping the other team in Blantyre under the guidance of Joe one of our other pastor trainers. This would mean more pastors get to be trained and more productivity by our staff on the mission field; by having more reach outs, preaching to more communities & townships and Evangelising.

Salima has hot & dry temperatures and a massive Muslim population. If you want to know why it was Salima, it is because Chris & Heidi had gone there and saw that the harvest was full but laborers were few. And they came back from there with many testimonies (please check out update 40, understanding Gods mission on the blog). I believe God wanted us there to show love, preach the good news to all, train more pastors from the villages on that side & Evangelise to the big fisherman community in Salima.

Fast forward 4 months later and I thank God that myself, Chris & Heidi , and rest of team in Malawi were obedient to what God was showing us. As we have seen and heard many testimonies of the Goodness of God & the way He’s moving in Malawi! Salima is doing great, Blantyre also. More pastors from many different denominations are attending, and so appreciative of the impact Jesus is making in their lives, churches & families. The fisherman in the community and others, also are thankful to echo for coming with God’s Word to their shores.

18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”20 At once they left their nets and followed him. (Matthew 4)

Also, we invested in good speakers and outside music instruments, as we now are running open air crusades, reaching out to thousands in villages and towns with the Good News of Jesus. We just thank God for the open doors He is making Possible for echo to expand on the ministry field in many ways so we can reach out to the souls. So far we are doing crusades every two Months & choosing locations that are forgotten & difficult to get too at times.

Thank you Jesus for your provision. Glory and Honor Be To your Name.

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