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Update 45 - Understandings God's Missions 2019: 3.1

Maria, Heidi and I arrived in Malawi on May 27th. The Lord has magnificently delivered the purchase of our new location there and the sale of the old location exactly as He indicated He would. All praise, honor and glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, amen!!! In both cases, it seemed impossible for the numbers to be achieved, but nothing is impossible for our God. From this event, the attorney and real estate broker were even moved by His provision. All of us working for God’s Echo continue to marvel at His goodness. The testimonies and revelations are nearly a daily occurrence. We only mention a small fraction of the many many things that are happening. We don’t want to shortchange God, for He is the Author and Owner of all the glory.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of participating in His ongoing will is the daily opportunities to witness Him being glorified. When we are fully committed and surrendered, He will not let a day pass without using us. This has nothing to do with any special skills or gifting that God has given us. The reality is the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Jesus peers into our hearts daily to see if we can be trusted with one of His precious ones to deliver what He wants us to deliver. If He sees peace and harmony of the Holy Spirit in us, He will not leave that resource untapped. There is nothing of this world that remotely comes close to the joy we experience from participating in the Master’s will. Anyone out there that has not fully surrendered all things to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, please do, for time is very short.

After recuperating half a day from jet lag, we diligently began the moving process. Because we only had a few days before our trip to Israel, we worked over the weekend. My wife and I have been prompted by faith to observe the Sabbath. This is Biblically Saturday and I encourage anyone that sincerely wants to know the truth to investigate how it got changed to Sunday. Then ask the Holy Spirit what you should do. The Almighty hates the traditions of man. If more people would take a sincere look at Christmas, Easter, and Valentine’s Day, literally most holidays celebrated by man are not of God. Do not just take my word for it- investigate it yourself.

I will say this... if your investigation starts out with, “I am going to prove that it is okay to do what I am doing,” then you have already put yourself before God. If instead you say, “I am going to do my best to discover what God’s true will is in the situation and I will change accordingly,” He will show you. Usually it is pretty easy to tell how someone responds to this where their allegiance is. Please trust me, brothers and sisters, when I say this, God is looking for complete allegiance to Him and Him alone. I was in error regarding all of these things for decades. Only when I diligently followed the prompting, my understanding began to change. Again, seek out the answers with only God’s intentions for you as your guiding light.

The reason I got sidetracked on the Sabbath was because we had to move a lot of things that day. I have recently started observing Saturday as my official Sabbath. We can still go to church on Sunday and allow God to move on the hearts of others as He moved on us. After church however, we will consider it a workday.

Miraculously we were able to get all of the brick-making equipment moved into the factory and our living quarters also. We actually stayed there for one night before we left for Israel. I was very thankful that The Lord made a way for this to happen. I am so thankful that I will have much to do the rest of our trip here. My intentions are to have the brick making equipment operational before my departure back to America. There are many other projects we will be doing simultaneously. We have created our own well and are considering solar panels. Lord-willing this will make the facility self-sufficient for the most part. However, if we are running brick-making equipment, we will most likely need an outside electrical supply to keep up with demand.

The Open Heavens prophetic conference put on by Jesus Ministries was amazing. On top of that, it was in Jerusalem. Pastor Joe Sweet from Shekinah worship center in Lancaster, California was one of the speakers. He is currently on week 19 of his church series on the Life of a Warrior for the Lord. I find it remarkable that God has called me for the same purpose and put me in proximity with those that can teach me very quickly. Many of the dreams and visions that I have been having have been confirmed by others. At this point in time, I will briefly mention a few.. When and if the Lord wants me to say more, He will provide a platform that will serve His purpose.

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is the prophetic voice enlisted with the responsibility of running Jesus Ministries. He has had many remarkable experiences with the Lord. Through his dedication and consecration to the Lord, he has experienced holy encounters that few will ever experience. The Lord Jesus has given him some pretty specific assignments in these end times. He is just a man no different than any of us, however his obedience has earned him favor with the Lord. I highly recommend evaluating his teachings and seek The Word and the Holy Spirit for confirmation of his authenticity. He has many many biblically sound revelations that I have not before heard. Under close scrutiny, his conclusions seem to be rock-solid and Holy Spirit-driven. I am the least of these and have no authority to make the statements I just did, so we will just go with the assumption that this is my opinion- he is an outstanding man of God. He has been directed by the Lord to set up a house up in Jerusalem for the two witnesses. I believe the time for them to appear is exceedingly close. I also believe that he was directed by the Lord to prepare a place for them.

There were around 800 people at the conference. Many of them are clearly being prepared for the end times, however there were many that are not ready. The statement will be meaningless to most of you because you may not know me, but I will share this with you, and you can make a determination. I have been praying for several months to love the way Jesus loved. Occasionally, for only a few seconds, He will let me feel the way He feels about a situation. During the conference, I would wake up between 3 and 5 AM every morning. I would go to the conference hall and pray over the chairs for the occupants that would be sitting in them, then I waited as it began to fill up. I was brought to tears a few times sensing how Jesus was grieved by all of our behaviors. It is rare to see someone put others before themselves. We are supposed to be the end time remnant yet we are still lacking many of the basic skills of dying to self. I know for sure in the eyes of the hotel staff, they were quite disappointed with the behavior of many of us.

This conference was full of profound Words from God that taught me, as well as my family. I highly recommend that you go to Jesus Ministries or Angel TV and acquire the material for yourselves. For me personally, it gave credence to many things that I have been experiencing the last several months. I also was able to meet some key people that I believe will be involved in the rapid expansion of God’s Echo. As unbelievable as it may seem, several more countries are being identified as expansion sites. Only because of God’s will, this is even possible. After the conference, we were able to tour Jerusalem for the next several days. More details to come!

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