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Expansion to Philippines & Myanmar

Hello Friends.

This is an update of the recent trip to the Philippines & Myanmar. God was so good to us whilst on this trip, I went with Brother S from Nepal, to help me with planting a new Echo ministry location in both Myanmar and Philippines.

We have now got Pastor Eric who is from Philippines going around the townships and registering Pastors as we establish the new location. Praise God for the open door, and soft hearts accepting Gods Echo. Philippines was a warm country with lovely people who greet you and help wherever they can. Such natural hospitable people.

In Myanmar we have a brother who he and his wife are so humble and open to help with the work of God. Unfortunately he has been struck with sickness and I know this is the work of Satan who wants to try and put a hurdle in front of us... but Victory belongs to Christ who Conquered. These guys are in a location where Christianity is not popular but are willing to preach the Gospel, build relationships and love their community. I was touched by that love and commitment and knew these guys are sold out for the work of Christ. They even live in a bamboo hut, no electricity and water, they have dug up a well and use water form the ground. Also a pastor has opened his small church for us to use to teach the pastors daily! He was touched to see the unity and love has for the body of Christ & he wanted to be part of the team. We should see great results in this location in Jesus Name. Also we will be visiting areas far in the country where Christians have been persecuted and are needing help. Due to them being far and a minority they are not receiving great help.

Please continue to pray with us for open doors in both these two countries, that our people on the ground will be protected as they establish and do the work of Christ & we can start very soon.

Philippians 1: 20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

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