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The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble" Psalm 9:9

Friends, I want to encourage you on what the Lord is doing right around the world at this very moment, with many encountering much needed breakthroughs in their oppression and spiritual battles. As Covid-19 restrictions begin to ease off in many of our locations, our pastoral training has recommenced almost immediately, we praise the Lord for their hunger to get right back to it. God has also put in all our hearts to not only bless believers, but also those of other faiths and beliefs, that way we are able to show the love of Jesus and also have an opportunity to enter areas we haven’t before.

Our Team in the Philippines have been blessing many of the muslim faith with groceries, oil, meat and sharing the love of Jesus Christ to them, while also extending this out to other areas and people groups. Incredibly through the simplicity of blessing others, we have heard of many asking for spiritual help and have since began attending weekly bible studies - so please continue to pray for these people as their hungry souls are found in Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. In Nepal, the team have been blessing many struggling financially, due to their lockdown situation. They have been buying food for many families and communities and supporting people in many areas of need. We have also been doing similar work in Pakistan, where the team have been sharing with the those of the muslim faith, which is quite dangerous, as it can be taken in a wrong motive, but Praise be to God, His Hand has been upon all the team members and pastors. They also have continued the work of freeing many of our Christian brothers from brick kilns across the country. The joy the people receive when they have been helped and set free from this slavery its powerful. Taiwan Has been going strong with the team now training community leaders, pastors & worship teams from churches in different locations across the city and country. Also Br. Marten who has been there the last 6 months, has been ministering to buddhists from big companies/businesses and asked to share the Gospel to them, The Lord has been opening awesome doors for the team there. They also have been helping reconcile pastors and leadership teams who have had previous issues, bringing healing in the name of Jesus, and we can see with our own eyes, that the Spirit of the Lord is moving in that region!

Ghana has been going through some changes, good changes, and Br. Geoffrey has been seeing amazing testimonies. One story I will share is of a witchdoctor who hated and conspired to hurt Geoffrey and his family because of the work they were doing in Ghana. After praying and fasting for them, the witchdoctor became confused and lost all powers. Br Geoffrey and other team members prayed for them, then the witchdoctor and his wife accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Also the work in both locations is going well and many pastors from different churches are attending and seen God move in their hearts. Burundi has been ongoing with the pastoral training and education centre programs. The team there have been blessing many families in need, with groceries and other much needed items, and in one event, we also had the Governor come out and lend a helping hand and preach the Gospel, Thank You Lord. Malawi teams have been going to different rural locations giving food parcels to the elderly and those who cannot afford to buy food and when we share the groceries, they are soo joyous and thankful for the gifts.

In New Zealand, we have been busy with the prison ministry, as we help those out of prison get back on their feet & start afresh. I boast only in the Lord Jesus and His Power when I share this testimony with you. It's that of a 34 year old man who as a child was raped by a family member at the age of 6, then growing up he turned to gang life, drugs and spent 10 years in prison. He hated life and when I met him, I felt God say "Love him like he is your own flesh and blood", so I did love him like my own son and Echo helped this man with some new clothes, furniture and he was overwhelmed by God's Love. We prayed together and now his life begins a new chapter with Jesus! Also we are helping with the needs of women and kids struggling from broken families, domestic violence, and working with the women in refuge homes to provide health necessities, clothes and food for them. Many have opened their hearts to Christ and turned to Him for help in their situations.

There are so many testimonies to share about the Hand of Jesus and His Power across the globe. Here are some questions for you, with the utmost respect & sincerity:

Are you wanting to partake in the move of Jesus in this crucial time we are living right now?

Are you desiring to be used, so that you can share the Gospel & the Love of God to those around you or overseas?

Do you have the peace of God right now resting in your heart as you examine your heart before the Lord?

Friends, if you have answered Yes to all these questions then be ready as the Lord prepares you for battle. When you put your hand up, you have been enlisted for the Army of Jesus Christ! Then you too will have testimonies to share that will Glorify our Saviour. If you answered No, then I plead with you to go before the Lord and speak with Him. He will help and restore your passion and light a new fire within you. I know we all quote this many times, but truly the harvest is plentiful, and if you're a labourer in the Lord, then we ought to be busy working and making ourselves available for Him no matter where you are.

Matthew 9:35-38

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

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