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Peace and Hope in Jesus

Romans 5:1-5

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the Glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Hello friends, I wanted to share with you all the great things the Lord has been doing around the world. The peace and hope that’s found only in Christ, has been shared and blessed upon people from all tribes & nations across the globe!

In Pakistan the team have seen a big rise in those repenting, coming to know Jesus & getting baptized! This has encouraged all of us as a body of Christ. Also, the pastoral training continues to run each Month, as well as the discipleship training. We continue to free families from the brick kilns and bless the persecuted church with finance and support. The team have been ministering in villages and towns afar too, encouraging the body of Christ with the Word and sharing meals together. Despite the harshness of sharia law, the Power of Jesus is unmatched and unstoppable in this nation.

In the Philippines, we have been helping a lot of patients at the hospital who cannot afford medication or treatments. They are so happy and appreciate the support, Glorifying God for the help they receive. We continue to do the pastoral training and the leaders have been grateful for it. We Continue to help the victims of the floods and tsunamis with restoration of the roofs & helping with houses get fixed.

In Nepal the pastoral training & the discipleship training Has been busy with many people attending, some have been flying in from neighboring countries to attend! We also have been blessing kids that cannot afford school uniforms and books, seeing the warm smiles has been a blessing to the team. They always bless the kids with the encouragement of Christ and pray for them.

In Taiwan, we are focusing on evangelism and youth discipleship training. I’ve been spending a bit of time here and seeing first-hand that the next generation is a key focus for us to echo the love of God. Many changes have taken place for the best outcome to be achieved in delivering the gospel in idol worshipping towns and areas. Please continue to pray for this nation. In the short time we have been here we have seen many Buddhists turn to Christ and be baptized. We also have been helping relationships get back together, providing counseling for families going through hardships. Seeing first-hand the work of God in their lives has been amazing.

In Ghana the team continues with pastoral training, and other outreach programs with Bible distributions and helping the poor. Also, crusades have been successful with many souls coming to know Jesus. Won’t be sharing any photos from this nation for security reasons regarding some of our staff members. We Just appreciate the Lord for the team that's doing this work in these rural locations.

In Malawi the three locations are going well with pastoral training, And the education centers are blessing so many people with free life skills learning. The farming course especially has helped the local farmers to better their harvesting and plantations. We praise God for the crusades, the soccer competitions & the reach-out programs we do in Malawi. We see so many lives turning around for Christ and the joy that brings their families!

In Burundi the courses/life skills programs at the education Centre continue to run with many students applying. The pastoral training and crusades are going very well across the regions, and we always get asked to do more and more each month! We thank God for the spiritual hunger the people have. Please pray also for the poverty and the physical hunger people go through day-to-day.

In Uganda pastoral training is booked until the end of 2023! To see this nation which only has been running 5 to 6 months, be fully booked with the hunger of youth leaders, elders and pastors is so encouraging. We know the enemy has been manifesting, as We have had many attacks including some pastors being beaten/or killed. Even new Christian converts have been kicked out of the villages or towns and beaten. We have helped them with accommodation, food and providing encouragement. Whilst I was there, we held a big crusade in an Islamic area where a pastor was killed for leading 6 Muslims to Christ. The Lord provided & arranged to move the widow, 12 kids to a safer location & provided a land & house for them. They were so encouraged to see the Work of God in their lives despite the tragedy that took place.

In New Zealand the team continues to worship and encourage people on the streets. Providing free haircuts in our trailer, hot cooked meals to the homeless/or those struggling, and furniture for those who cannot afford it. Through all these activities the team continue to preach the gospel praying for them and telling them the good news of Jesus Christ. They have been visiting motels where people have been living there due to shortage of houses and providing entertainment for the kids singing and dancing to Jesus music and having a fun time. Also cooking for them hot meals and getting them warm clothes/blankets. The families have been so thankful to the Lord and team for bringing some relief during their hardships.

Well friends to be honest there’s so much more I want to share it’s just so difficult to write it all down. I can only say that Jesus is moving so strongly all over the world & we the servants of Jesus Are privileged to see it take place each day. We praise God for the testimonies shared with you friends, hoping to encourage you that despite what’s happening in the world, Jesus is Victorious & Has overcome the world. Remember to Trust in Jesus only.

John 16:33

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus.

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